MTD for VAT FAQs: 19 key Making Tax Digital questions answered

MTD for VAT FAQs: 19 key Making Tax Digital questions answered

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is the UK government’s initiative to simplify tax accounting for businesses and individuals. You might already use HMRC’s online services to complete tasks such as submitting tax returns, but MTD requires you to use software for everyday accounting and asks you to keep digital accounting records. Here are some of the […]

How to support flexible working so your workforce can thrive

How to support flexible working so your workforce can thrive

Flexible working is the new, well, way of working. The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the need for employers to offer a clear, well-documented policy to attract new talent and keep your workforce performing at their best. We know that when employees are better able to balance their personal lives alongside their work requirements, they are […]

Making Tax Digital checklist: How to ensure you’re ready for MTD for VAT in April 2022

Making Tax Digital checklist: How to ensure you’re ready for MTD for VAT in April 2022

Since 1 April 2019, VAT-registered businesses in the UK above the registration threshold (currently £85,000) need to submit their VAT returns using “functional compatible software” and store their VAT accounting records digitally. This is part of HMRC’s ongoing Making Tax Digital (MTD) plans. But as of 1 April 2022, all VAT-registered businesses will be required to use […]

How MTD for VAT means your business can tame tax

How MTD for VAT means your business can tame tax

There are big changes ahead for MTD for VAT. It will affect many more businesses as of April 2022. As of that date, all businesses registered for VAT must use it. This is true even if they’re below the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000) and are voluntarily registered. What does this mean? Put simply, the […]

What the new health and social care levy means for employers

What the new health and social care levy means for employers

In September 2021, the UK government announced the health and social care (HSC) levy. As with any change in taxation, the introduction of the levy provides an opportunity to empower and educate employees when it comes to salary payments so that they feel more in control. In this article, we highlight details of the new […]